To reserve a place at TringCon, please fill out the form below. You can
book for several people at once. Just enter your email address and the list
of people for whom you are booking. The price is £20/person, payable
on the door.
19th October 2024
Booked for 19th October 2024:
- Martin Butcher
- Fiona Campbell
- Richard Clyne
- Michael Cule
- Phil Davies
- Emesh De Zoysa (v)
- Drak (v)
- Jim Field
- Hamish
- John Harrington
- John Hehnen (gf)
- Kez Herbert
- Mike Hutton
- Kevin Lee
- Claudia McHarg
- Pum
- Melissa Rogerson
- Danny Smith
- Allan Stagg
- Steve Thomas
- David Thornton
- Alex Treacher
- Josh Turner (v)
- Neil Walters
- Ian D Wilson
If you have any questions, please get in touch at